Samstag, 27. September 2008

i made it. and now?

j just found out, that the last day of my vow was the 26th of september, not today the 27th.

anyway, i did it.

what now?

it was just too nice to just say good bye to the holy name.

it was even to short to say: "there were ups and downs."

time simply passed too fast. have to go on getting up early. have to listen to the holy name.
by the mercy of krishna and the vaishnavas it will be possible.

i would like to thank the following supporting good souls for their comments:

thomas from taxas, especially your comment citing the dalai lama was very inspiring for me. let s keep in contact!

ananda mohini from new zealand: thanks that you put a link on your blog. hope you paul will also be able to go on getting up and chant early...;-))

param from nienburg: my friend and elder godbrother. what do i have to say except vanca kalpa....?

arun prabhu from mayapur for wishing me luck.

and last but not least, i would like to thank the chakra team for putting my blog on thank you so much.


and see, how the holy name will help out. ah, and yes, those, who are familiar with the german language will still find me on my old blog
prasadamcases daily wahnsinn.

or check out my youtube chanel. (english language)

i wish you all the best!
your servant
dandadhrk dasa, ISKCON cologne, germany.
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Donnerstag, 25. September 2008

three days to go and then?

almost one month over. time (krishna) is running fast.

then, it seems i have restabilized my spiritual life, whatever my spiritual life means.
at least i started to chant hare krishna regulary.
bhakti busana swami said, that it is very nice to do an experiment like this. because: krishna is the time. he can do and undo things, if he desires.
he can give more time for spiritual activities.
that would be very nice.

i am about to think about a blog: "prabhupadasbookseveryday" or somthing. since kartik is soon approaching, that would be another nice vratta. just to read one verse of prabhupadas books for one month.

actually, i am reading one verse every morning.

i mean reading and reading is a difference, right?
If you would ask me, what i read this morning....somthing about sivas prayers to vishnu, but what was the point in prabhupadas purport?

can t remember.

there is much more to go deeper into it. our philosophy is so nice.

going deeper into it....of course along with chanting hare krishna before six!
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Dienstag, 23. September 2008

bhakti busana swami tells a story

in his sunday feast class maharaja had made a point, that every living entity has to fight for his survival. he said, that when you see a forest from far, you tend to think, that this forest looks very nice. but when you come close, and observe in detail what is going on, you see, that every entity is eaten by another entity.
later on, when we took prasadam,i emphasized maharajas point by telling, that i often go into the eifel, which is a big and beautiful forest, where i am living. somtimes, while strolling, i saw advertisments like: "young bull meat to sell!" they have their bulls on the grazing land which they slaughter. externally it looked quite peaceful seeing the bulls grazing, but in detail, it was quite a hellish place. to even deepen that point, bbswami told the following story:

once, maharaja was guest in a devotees house somwhere in india. maharaja was peacefully sitting in the garden close to the swimming pool, when his attention on chanting was suddenly distracted. he saw, that a mouse had fallen into the pool and was fighting for her life. she tried to climb out of the water but was not able to pull herself out of the water. she now was about to drown and harrowingly die.
bbswami immediately took a twig of a tree and reached out to the mouse, who with last power climbed onto the stick, so maharaja could pull her out. it seemed,he saved her life.
the little mouse was still shaking of her near death experience, when suddenly a big falcon rushed out of the sky. with his mighty claws, he grabbed the poor mouse from the stick. only seconds later he was again gone up into the sky ready to finally kill the poor mouse and have her for lunch.
there is simply no place in this material world, which is safe.

prabhupada said, we shoud chant, like a child is crying for his mother.
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Sonntag, 21. September 2008

mercy day

yesterday we went to the sunday feast to the cologne temple nearby, where we are living. there, one of the most senior devotees of our movement, and actually the first german devotee, bhakti busana swami, was giving the class.

after the class was finished, i sneaked into his room, where i happened to take prasadam with him.

i told him about my little chanting experiment, and he said , that he also has to chant his rounds even before mangala aratic, because after mangala aratic, his busy day starts, and there is not much time left for chanting.

amazing! i thought, only householders have a hard time getting there rounds together!

maharaja mainly preaches in south america, where he is gbc along with guru prasada swami.

maharaja briefly told me about the problems in the south america yatra, mainly arousing, because the devotees do not chant their rounds and follow the morning program.

when we chant our rounds, that is like watering the bhakti lata bija, our devotional creeper. our spiritual life is starting from there, maharja added.

i felt encourged very much by his association.

that was definitely the spiritual highlight of the week.
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Samstag, 20. September 2008


this body ist considered in the mode of ignorance.

that is definetely true.. each morning, i get up, it takes quite a time, my the subtle body wakes up and becomes fit for chanting hare krishna. after four rounds oft warming up, im getting more into it.

srimati mataji useses a "kirtan box" that is a little unit, where srila prabhupada constantly is chanting the maha mantra. i have a small one too.
if you turn down the volume as much as possible. it is still so loud, i could never sleep.

ok, no kirtan box.

and no surya namaskara. my back was hurting after doing it one time.
actually i did it quite a long time.

don t know what happened to my body in the meanwhile.

after three weeks getting up early and chanting my rounds before six, i can say, that simply doing this helps me to stay somhow connected to krishna. that s all so far, as i can perceive it. probably, there is much mor benefit....

lets see, how the next week will be.

there will be this mad shift from 3:30-11:30 p.m.

how much will i be inspired to start chanting my rounds after midnight, after coming from work?

or getting up, after having slept three hours?

that will be a challenge. one of the thousands and thousands to come.

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Freitag, 19. September 2008

srimad bhagavatam, 24,4,36

i read this vers after chanting this morning:

My Lord, as the supreme directing Deity known as Aniruddha, You are the master of the senses and the mind. I therefore offer my obeisances unto You again and again. You are known as Ananta as well as Sańkarsana because of Your ability to destroy the whole creation by the blazing fire from Your mouth.


Hrisikesendriyātmane. The mind is the director of the senses, and Lord Aniruddha is the director of the mind. In order to execute devotional service, one has to fix his mind on the lotus feet of Krishna; therefore Lord Śiva prays to the controller of the mind, Lord Aniruddha, to be pleased to help him engage his mind on the lotus feet of the Lord. It is stated in Bhagavad-gītā (9.34): man-manā bhava mad-bhakto mad-yājī mām. namaskuru. The mind has to be engaged in meditation on the lotus feet of the Lord in order to execute devotional service. It is also stated in Bhagavad-gītā (15.15), mattah smritir jñānam apohanam ca: from the Lord come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. Thus if Lord Aniruddha is pleased, He can help the mind engage in the service of the Lord. It is also indicated in this verse that Lord Aniruddha is the sun-god by virtue of His expansions. Since the predominating deity of the sun is an expansion of Lord Aniruddha, Lord Śiva also prays to the sun-god in this verse.

Lord Krishna, by His quadruple expansion (Vāsudeva, Sańkarshana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha), is the Lord of psychic action — namely thinking, feeling, willing and acting. Lord Śiva prays to Lord Aniruddha as the sun-god, who is the controlling deity of the external material elements which constitute the construction of the material body. According to Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Thākura, the word paramahamsa is also another name for the sun-god. The sun-god is addressed herein as nibhrtātmane, which indicates that he always maintains the various planets by manipulating the rainfall. The sun-god evaporates water from the seas and oceans and then forms the water into clouds and distributes it over land. When there is sufficient rainfall grains are produced, and these grains maintain living entities in each and every planet. The sun-god is also addressed herein as pūrna, or complete, because the rays emanating from the sun have no end. For millions and millions of years since the creation of this universe, the sun-god has been supplying heat and light without diminution. The word paramahamsa is applied to persons who are completely cleansed. When there is sufficient sunshine, the mind remains clear and transparent — in other words, the sun-god helps the mind of the living entity to become situated on the platform of paramahamsa. Thus Lord Śiva prays to Aniruddha to be kind upon him so that his mind will always be in the perfect state of cleanliness and will be engaged in the devotional service of the Lord. Just as fire sterilizes all unclean things, the sun-god also keeps everything sterilized, especially dirty things within the mind, thus enabling one to attain elevation to the platform of spiritual understanding.

after getting up, my gross and subtle body are actually always quite jammed up.
i think, i will do surya namaskara excercise from now on before chanting, and thus pay obeisances to the sungod and hoping to get the benefit of controlling the mind a little more. if you are not so familiar with the excericse, here you can nicely see, how it goes.
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Mittwoch, 17. September 2008


before i make any further jumps into the ocean of devotional service, i want to become steady in my chanting. so far, i got up every day at three or four and finished my rounds before six. well done.

step by step.

that was one of the necterean advantages of travelling book distribution. we always used to find out the best places in town, a park or a nice forest for example, would crush down at night and get up early to chant our rounds. that was freedom. after all book distribution was ok, but i think we should have had more focus on internal development, more focus on chanting. you were a hero, when you made big, even if you were a puffed up fool, like i was every now and then.


it s all about inner development. right now, i feel quite comfortable with my vow.  like to go on. and who knows, maybe i will even chant one round more later on?

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Dienstag, 16. September 2008

pra MAD a

in this mornings chanting, i was thinking about a talk i had yesterday, with on of my associates at work. via e-bay he had been ordering crushed pepper from tennesse. in google maps he could even see the house, from where the lady, who sold the pepper, was living. he was very amazed about that.
i was too.
then we went further into it. we saw, that this town was called erwin. he looked up erwin in wykipedia, where was mentioned, that this town was especially famous for having hanged an circus elefant named mary in 1916 for having crushed the head ot her trainer.

this morning, while i was chanting,i was really wondering, how people come up with the idea of hanging an elefant? i thought, this is really crazy.

like thinking about it during chanting.

furthermore i was very blissful about my new birkenstock slippers with wool cover. they have leather soles though, so i was praying for forgiveness to the cow, that i use her skin to walk on. then i thought: "hm...maybe she is even making some spiritual progress, since i use parts of her body while i am chanting?"

like that.

srimati explains, that one aparada, which one should avoid is jiva aparada, offences to the living entitiies. she explains, that there are always different options, how we can deal with things.

like, when you are disturbed by a moskito, you can end the moskitos life by killing it, which would be in ignorance. you can us some chemical stuff in order to make it leave, which would be in the mode of passion. or you can eat one month before the rainy season neem tablets, so the moskitos won t touch you. that would be in goodness.

i mean, why did they have to hang an elefant?

mary, the elefant.

                                                    "the bird of the mind flies on two wings: the past and the future
                                                    o mind, cut those wings. we hear now. just hear, chant and remember!
                                                    and let me learn to love, serve and surrender."

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Montag, 15. September 2008

hello anarthas

this morning i was confronted with my anarthas (unwanted things in the heart)

they were there and i was in.

in the clouds, that vorbid me to perceive krishna while chanting.

i knew it before. i was restless yesterday, i was quite finished from work i thought. "how long will i be able to do it?"

working, sleeping, little chanting inbetween, working, working, working,

the machine has got me.


anyway, at least i am trying to confront my anarthas. how horrible, these are things i want to wipe under the table.

there are different kinds of anarthas.

srimati talks about them in that japa seminar.

have to deal with them, as i am in my experiment. like to use the opportunity to see what is going on with me.
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Sonntag, 14. September 2008

transformation of the mind

that is what the dalai lama says about transformation of the mind,

thanks to thomas!

One thing you should remember is that mental transformations take time and are not easy. I think some people from the West, where technology is so good, think that everything is automatic. You should not expect this spiritual transformation to take place within a short period, that is impossible. Keep it in your mind and make a constant effort, then after 1 year, 5 years, ten years, fifteen years you will eventually find some change. I still sometimes find it very difficult to practice these things. However, I really do believe that these practices are extremely useful.

As we discussed earlier, the transformation of mind and heart does not happen overnight but through a gradual process. Although it is true that in some cases instantaneous spiritual experiences may be possible, they are rather unreliable and somewhat short lived. The problem is that when sudden experiences occur, like bolts of lightning, the individual may feel profoundly moved and inspired, but if the experiences are not grounded in discipline and sustained effort they are very unpredictable, and their transformative impact will be rather limited. By contrast, a genuine transformation that results from sustained concerted effort is long lasting because it has a firm foundation. That is why long term spiritual transformation can really only come about through a gradual process of training and discipline.
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Samstag, 13. September 2008


sanatana goswami recommends, that we chant clearly and loud.

if we do that, than the day will also be very clear.

srimati mataji explains in her japa seminar in that connection, that at the end of the day, we can actually measure how our chanting in the morning really was.

it s all about attention. the hear opens, if we try to chant attentive. PLEASE RADHA, PLEASE KRISHNA HELP ME!

then the gates of our hearts open, and by chanting, the anarthas one after another hopefully disappear.

i am writing this after just having chanted my rounds succsesfully.

prabhupada once said after finishing his rounds: "now i can do any damned thing."

now my mind seems to become a little more clear after this mornings chanting.

now, i am ready to do any damned thing, which actually for me means going to work.

hopefully, todays chanting will echo through the day.

it seems, life becomes a little more easy by chanting hare krishna.
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Freitag, 12. September 2008

false confidence

false confidence means, you go to school, the teacher shows you a b c and you think or you act, like you know the whole alphabet.

i definitely don t want to appear like somwhat the teacher of the vaishnavas and the teacher of haridada thakura anyway.

i think, i am rather more than like a postman with bad habits, who writes a little about what great souls say.

why is that?

well, todays chanting was like i was chanting one of the first rounds of my life. i did not even count my beads correctly. did this ever happen to you?
somtimes, i even loose my beads.

i m a beginner.

how tricky maya is, and that is just the top of the iceberg. maya is the material energy. she is so expert in grabbing us.

only by surrendering to krishna, we will be able to conquer maya.

again, i am just a simple postman.

prabhupada says, that taking up krishna consciousness is declaring war on maya.

HEA VY....!
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Donnerstag, 11. September 2008

check this out!

these are the two lectures, which i highly recommend, if you want to increase the quality or your chanting.

srimati mataji focuses very much on the root cause of offensive chanting.
pramada, which means "very mad".

inattantion while chanting the holy name.

you can download these lectures on your ipod or any mp3 player.

today i felt really tired. my shift was two days from 1:30 pm - 10:00 pm. when i went to sleep, it was about midnight. getting up at four was not too easy, but i made it. i was blissful, and completed my rounds at 05:20 am.

when i wrote, that getting up early is nice because, it is just you and the mind, i meant, it s "just" you and the mind, in a way, that the mind and you, might be already enough challenge...

i have not fully realized it, but i like the expression, that the mind is our enemy.

which means, we are constantly living with our enemy!

chanting is meant to control the mind, which means to transform our enemy into our friend again.

what a task, to make your enemy your friend again.

srimati says, that the holy name is always shiny and blissful. ALWAYS!

interesting thought, that it is our material covering, which is filtering the nectar of the holy name.

prabhupada says, that chanting hare krishna is like tuning in a radio chanel. once you tune in, you can hear, what s going on outside.

perceive  KRISHNA!

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Dienstag, 9. September 2008

the confidential heart tester

this is from srimati matajis japa seminar.

it will help us, to see, from where we are actually starting in our endevaour to chant hare krishna purely. don t worry, if the result is disgusting...;-) it s just about the reality, we are facing.

best is, you print these questions out, and make a tick for every answer you consider YES, that would fit to you.

do you see any of the following in yourself?


1) indecisiveness,

2) envy,

3) attachment to things not related to krishna,

inability to keep vows,

4) no programs, rules and regulations

5) desire for recognition

6) iconsistency in your endevaour to become krishna conscious

7) a tendency to enjoy material facilities

8) regular struggle with the mind and senses

9) false confidence and enthusiasm

10) inability to overcome bad habits

11) desire for material facility

12)propensity to cheat and find fault

13) desire for liberation

14) a taste for sensual pleasure

15) interest in mystic powers

16) desire for heavenly comforts

b) do you ever comit

nama aparadha?

seva aparadha?

vaishnava aparadha?

offence to other entities?

c) do you somtimes wonder, who you really are, what krishnas position as the supreme personality of godhead really is?

do you somtimes feel unsure about the goal and process of bhakti, what is favourable and unfavourable for your advancement in krishna concsciousness?

when you chant, do you somtimes feel sleepy?

experience distraction?

feel indifference, disinterested, not pay attention?

Then please answer yourself the following:

is your score five or less?

ten or less?

fifteen or less?

when i went through this questions, i thought: "ghee, i am not an absolute beginner, i am somthing like a maha absolute beginner.

that s just, how things are.....

still feel happy about it. when you start a journey, there is always a place to begin.

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in with the needle, out with....?

i tend to say: "in with the needle, out with the..... club.

Even with my experiment, i prefer to say: "in with the needle, and let s see, what s going on.

my friends from gournitimes recommended me to take more care of my spelling.

sorry, dear devotees for spelling mistakes.

what about my chanting?

still motivated and inspired.

peace of heart, feels like 50% more

peace of mind: feels like at 30& more

amazing. somtimes i do yoga on my computer. (there are a many excercises on you tube.) very simple but soooo effective.

like my little experiment. only eight rounds, but such an impact!
don t get me wrong, i am still a smalltimer, have not yes seesn krishna face to face...;-)

but again, chanting is nice. chanting in the morning ist 50 - to 75% better than during the day.

it s just you and the mind. only you and the mind which you have to take back from imaginary sense gratification or planing the day, or - you might know, what i mean.

i just downloaded again srimati matajis japa seminar on my ipod. i let you know more, when i get a little more into listening them...

thanks for hanging on...

hare krishna!

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Sonntag, 7. September 2008

alarms and other disturbances

i don t know, how many alarm clocks i had in the last years. there were many.

i actually had a fancy one from a german company named dugena. for some karmic reason, it fell down too many times. i had to buy a new one, unfortunately.

because, what i liked of my dugena clock was, that the alarm signal was so loud, you HAD to wake up. i think, they builded this thing especially for old people, who might have already loss in hearing

last janmastami, when i met the devotees in our project in goloka dhama, it was so purifying for me, that i HAD to reastablish my chanting.
i was so much beside my shoes, that it simply did not fit. i felt like on an other planet. (which it actually is, it is non fifferent from the spiritual sky).
i had become so much materialistic, that i actually felled ashamed in the association of the vasihnavas. at the same time, i felt very much the presence of radha madana mohana, the presiding deities.
i see it as a sign of krishna and the vaishnavas, that my janmastami visit was like a loud alarm of my old dugena clock.

There is the last verse of Chaitanya Mahaprabhus siksastakam:

ashlishya va pada-ratam pinashtu mam
adarshanan marma-hatam karotu va
yatha tatha va vidadhatu lampato
mat-prana-nathas tu sa eva naparah

I know no one but Krsna as my Lord, and He shall remain so even if He handles me roughly by His embrace or makes me brokenhearted by not being present before me. He is completely free to do anything and everything, for He is always my worshipful Lord, unconditionally.
All Glories to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu!

I felt your rough embrace my lord.

it definetely reminded me to become more serious, if i don t want to remain in my self constructed material stool pit.


i have a new alarm clock now,

it is more soft.

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safe the planet by chanting

i just stumbled into a blog, where a bunch of swiss quys circambulate the world with a solartaxi.
whererever they go, they interview people, who are in charge of environment saving, stuff like that.

they basically say, if they just use hybrid cars, they can safe the planet.

but they won t. they are missing the point. it is not ilfes purpose to safe this planet.

it s to become krishna conscious and to go back to godhead.

trying to safe the planet is another form of: "i am the doer. i can do it.

this is called maya.

first self victory, then public victory.

and order to become self victorious, we have to know, what is the self.

basically, that knowledge means, that we are not this body. prabhuapda very often stressed this point.

spiritual life starts with: "we are not this body."

how can we know, that we are not this body?


prabhupada would say, it is as easy as that. simple for the simple.

now, after a whole days work in the office, i was thinking, that i am not so great and not such an outstanding person with my little experiment of chanting hare krishna.

just one hour out of 24.

i have to start somwhere.

i will keep going. i am about to become fired up.

what about you? come on, give it a try.

actually, it is really nice.
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Samstag, 6. September 2008


this morning i went up at 4 a.m. did i spoil my vow? no, i still finished my rounds before six.

was nice today. these were rounds full of hope. can t explain exactly, what happend. if you d put in tags, you woud say: hopeful, joyful, hare krishna, not this body. lord chaitanya, somthing like this.

then i remembered:


radharanis appearance day. maybe therefore chanting was a little better today.

i m still a little sick. the atmosphere in the office is not really favourable of getting better. yesterday i was sitting close to a wide open window, so i was really freezing. then i closed that window, and sombody opened it again. closing, opening, and so on.

i was really finished after work yesterday. i worked from 10:30 am. - 7:pm. we had phone calls almost one after another. i work in the callcenter of volkswagen and audi cars. we do the breakdown and accident assistance. it is some kind of insurance were people, when they get stuck in europe, pay for getting towed to a vw dealer and we organize the custumers travels back home (not to godhead) and transportation of their cars to their hometowns. they call from every hole of the world it seems, and the material energy really clears up, that cars are another souce of suffering.
stressful work and coming down for chanting is another challenge.
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Freitag, 5. September 2008


once, srila prabhupada was invited to a program, where only very few guests were coming. the devotees were excusing, but prabhupada said, that everything was very nice. he mentioned even, that narada muni was there. prabhupada had the vision to see them.

that is what great personalities can do. we might not see, but they do. by their mercy, we get the mercy to see. just watch this video, an amazing story, by a wonderful devotee.

just this morning, i was praying to lord nityananda and haridasa thakura.  i hardly perceived them. but it was nice to approach them and pray for their mercy to come closer to holy name prabhu.

how can i expect to be ecstatic by just having started that experiment? it seems patience ist not in my vocabulary.

prabhupada says, we should chant, like a child cries for his mother.

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chanting so la la

that s the info.

somhow, i went to bed early. i had a good night rest but somhow was not feeling so well during japa.. my back was hurting and i could not concentrate.

how much can we control the mind?

during chanting, we may find out, that on our own it is not possible. we can seek shelter of great personalities.

the six goswamis...

hm, i just think about haridasa thakura. he is nama acarya. let s see tomorrow, what is going on. but i must pray to increase the quality of my chantingg.

so two points: a) the mind must be controlled
                     B) alone it is not possible. we need mercy of advanced personalities.

this should be my meditation, before starting my japa.

prabhupada was once asked, what one should pray doing chanting. prabhupada answered, that chanting hare krishna IS the prayer. we should just listen.

i throw in a "krishna help me!" or "prabhupada help me!" in between somtimes.

praying before starting our rounds may also help.

my dear mind, that may work...

hare krishna, tomorrow is another day. war against maya...

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Mittwoch, 3. September 2008

iron rod?

yes, again i got up at three. wasn t too difficult.

ok, my dear rascal mind, i had to use the iron rod....

but only one or two times. well, that s the benefit of watching movies. you learn how to beat sombody up...;-)

chanting hare krishna is a myth.

one may say: "how can one experience joy, by repeating over and over the same mantra?

 like we do:


there is no way to explain it. fact is: if you repeat somthing often enough, you become expert in it, whatever you do.

but how do you want to explain how honey tastes, if you just lick the bowl?
that s an expample many of us chanters often have heard.

Then, one may ask: why even after many years of chant practice, there isn t like a spiritual breakthrough?

well, there is not always a breakthrough, like an aircraft somtimes is above the sky, somtimes in the clouds.

but defenitely, there is, let me put it in this way, somtimes "divine contact." 

i may say that of my chanting, since we are talking a bit of my retreat...

yes, it was better this morning.
it s getting better...a little dawn, after a long night.

but still: much more work to do.

still more days left....
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just one hour

tomorrow i would just like to tell my mind for one hour to stop meditating about nonsense.
i mean, just one hour. that is not too much out of 24!

just imagine, how busy we are during the day, and how fast a day is over, what to speak of this life. just another year is about to pass, just imagine!
so tomorrow, my dear mind, i would just recommend you to shut up completley during my japa session.
otherwise, i would just have to beat you up, sorry no fake. i had to become violent against you. like bhakissidhanta recommended: "beat your mind with your shoes!"

so, if i kick you tomorrow morning, which seems, is about to happen. do not worry, my dear mind. this, for you and for me, is the school of hard knocks, which most of all have to go through.

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Dienstag, 2. September 2008

got up at 2:30

this morning.

i just was not tired anymore.

i know, i am a spiritual smalltimer, but at least i do somthing regularly!

that s what we used to call sadhana, when we were brahmacari.


what a nice word.

there is not much more boring as to rise late and be comepletely beside ones shoes and start the day blank without having chanted a single round.

for me at least.

let s see how i will be able to apply, when i work again. it is so tough to work in different shifts.

it s a slave galley. (or slaves galley?)
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Montag, 1. September 2008

holy cow

although i am still sick like five dogs, i again found it very inspiring to get up early this morning.

it s  nice.



that is very favourable for my chanting.

i would say, getting up early, makes fifty percent of the quality of my chanting. still, of course, there is so much work to do while chanting.

to focus my attention on the sound vibration. that really is the challenge.

i remember 2006, when i came from vrndavana, i had the most ecstatic time of my chanting.

right now, i am just scratching the surface.

let s just go on!

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